Page 7 - HeadlessCrossDentalPractice
P. 7

Opening Hours...      Hygiene Care & Preventative Services

                                                      Meet Katie, she has been a valued member of the
 Monday  9am - 5:30pm
                                                      team for many years. She provides a great role in
 Tuesday  9am - 6:30pm
                                                             preserving the health of patients gums.
 Wednesday 9am - 5:30pm
                                                      I have noticed that she has a particularly calming
 Thursday  8am - 5:30pm
                                                          influence on even the most nervous patient.
 Friday  9am - 5:00pm
                                                        Theresa is a brilliant clinician with a particular
 Saturdays  8am - 12pm*
                                                      interest in managing gum health around implants.
 Kate Thomas
 *Additional hours are available
                                                        She has a young family and an energetic dog.
 upon request.
 Saturdays are booked according
                                                      Abbie, is a more recent addition to our team. She
 to demand. Normally this is
                                                         has great enthusiasm and a wonderful caring
 available twice monthly.
                                                    attitude. She is a qualified dental therapist meaning
                                                     she can do some additional treatments. Abbie also
 Written treatment plans and chats
                                                    provides facial aesthetics. She has more information
 to help patients to plan their
                                                            on her instagram, @beehygienetherapist
 options are offered where needed.
 There is normally no additional
                                                       Here at our practice, we continually invest in the
 charge for this service as it is an
                                                        latest technology and you may want to ask her
 important part of helping you to
                                                      about our EMS PerioFlow and AirFlow treatments.
 decide on any treatment.
                                                           These can provide the highest standard of
                                                      preventative treatment whilst being regarded as
 Kate Thomas is our friendly and
                                                          being more gentle by many of our patients.
 super organised practice
 Sophie on reception
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