File Name
Assets, Properties & Estates held by WBC. 21.01.25.pdf
Business Plan 2024-2027.pdf
Business Plan Action Plan 2024-2027.pdf
Contracts over £5000 - 31.12.24.pdf
Councillor Expenses 2023-24.pdf
Councillor Remuneration 2024-25.pdf
Expenditure over £500 - 01.10.24 to 31.12.24.pdf
Grants Register 2023-24.pdf
Notice of Public Rights & Publication of Unaudited Annual governanance & Accountability Return 2023-24.pdf
Precept Information Current and Historical.pdf
Staff Salary Scales - April 2024.pdf
Summary of Councils Budgets.PDF
The Councils spending is summarised in its Annual Return 2019-2020.pdf
The Councils spending is summarised in its Annual Return 2020-2021.pdf
The Councils spending is summarised in its Annual Return 2021-2022.pdf
The Councils spending is summarised in its Annual Return 2022-2023.pdf
The Councils spending is summarised in its Annual Return 2023-2024.pdf
WBC Annual Report - May 2024.pdf